Light on Yoga by Iyengar is a comprehensive guide to the ancient practice of yoga. Written by the revered B.K.S. Iyengar, this book offers an in-depth look at the history, principles and practices of yoga. For over 80 years, Iyengar has been teaching and practicing yoga, and this book is the culmination of his life’s work.

Light on Yoga provides a comprehensive and systematic approach to the practice of yoga. It begins with an overview of the history and philosophy of yoga, and then moves on to explore various physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation. Iyengar covers the basics in great detail, making sure to explain the proper alignment for each posture, as well as the mental and spiritual benefits. He also provides helpful diagrams and illustrations to ensure the reader understands each posture correctly. The book also covers topics such as yoga for special needs, pregnancy, and the elderly.

Iyengar emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and comfortable environment for practicing yoga, and provides detailed advice on how to do so. He also explains the mental and emotional benefits of yoga, such as stress relief and relaxation. Light on Yoga is an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to learn more about yoga, and it’s a great reference for experienced practitioners alike. Iyengar’s emphasis on proper alignment and safety makes this book a must-have for any yogi. With its comprehensive approach to the practice of yoga, Light on Yoga is sure to help anyone deepen their practice and experience the many benefits of Yoga.

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